My son loves Bounce Boot Camp and asks each week “Do I have Bounce Boot Camp today”?
My entire family is so pleased in your boot camp for kids. Giving my nephew that outlet during the week is so important. I have noticed a big change in his attitude during the school week. We couldn't be happier.
When I first told my daughter Grace about the boot camp with big inflatable obstacle courses and climbing things her eyes got huge and she said she wanted to do it right away. Well after 10 classes, she still loves it and her eyes get huge with excitement. She actually wants to go to Bounce Boot Camp. She loves the self-competition, loves the Coaches and is having a fantastic time while getting in a great workout. (She doesn’t even know it is so wonderful a workout for her). Also the fun dietary lessons in games are great. We have adopted the green, yellow and red food categories in our house and it is perfect communication and thinking mechanism. She begged me to sign her up for the next three months and wants to be the first to make it to the top rank…so be it! And thank you bounce boot camp for giving her something active that she loves!